Round table of the Executive Committee of the CIS Electric Power Council

Sergey Tsivilev, Governor of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass, Chairman of the State Council Commission on Energy, in an address to the participants of the round table noted the economic advantages of the historically established infrastructural and technological connectivity of the energy sector of the CIS member states, as well as the high responsibility of existing specialists for maintaining and improving the efficiency of energy links created by previous generations.

Chairman of the EC EEC of the CIS, moderator of the round table Taras Kupchikov expressed gratitude to the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan, the organizers of the event and noted that economic cooperation is one of the most important factors in the integration of both countries and its individual regions, which often become active drivers implementing economic policies adopted at the highest political level. "The existing technological and infrastructural connectivity of both the economies and energy systems of the CIS member states create conditions for further joint interaction and cooperation, not only in terms of implementing investment projects in the energy sector, but also in finding new and expanding existing areas of cooperation, including in energy engineering, which will create additional competitive advantages for economic development our countries," the moderator stressed.

Deputy Minister of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic Talaibek Baigaziev thanked the organizers of the event and spoke about the advantages of parallel operation of energy systems in terms of covering the existing deficit in the amount of 3.4 billion kWh by the end of 2023, the course taken on the development of "green" energy and the use of existing potential of hydro resources, the beginning of the construction of solar and, together with Rosatom State Corporation - work on wind farms. He also reported on joint work with Gazprom on the development of gasification, reconstruction of Bishkek CHP-2, reconstruction of the Uch-Kurgan HPP, construction of a 500 kV line to China and completion of the construction of a 500 kV line under the CASA-1000 project with the start of parallel work with Tajikistan this winter. Talaibek Baigaziev also focused on the reform of distribution networks consolidation is underway with the planned allocation of a single electric utility company. The Deputy Minister of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic also noted the need for information support on existing equipment purchase opportunities in the Russian Federation and reported on a number of agreements concluded at TEF-2024 as part of the reconstruction of the Bishkek CHP.

First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan Azim Akhmedkhadzhayev, taking into account the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan among Russian regions in the implementation of new projects in Uzbekistan, stressed the importance of cooperation in the development of human resources. He also noted the contribution of technoparks of the Republic of Uzbekistan to import substitution, in particular, the production of smart light and gas meters was established, the domestic demand of the country was fully covered, which, in turn, allowed to increase the collection of payments to 100%.

Denis Moroz, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus, noted the current tasks of the Republic of Belarus in the field of energy security and energy efficiency improvement, the long-term strategic decisions within the framework of the country's energy policy. Within the framework of the five-year plans, specific goals are set. In particular, the construction of nuclear power plants allows to stimulate the consumption of environmentally friendly electricity in the real sector. There is a high dynamics of the transition of crowding to the electrification of heating and hot water supply, at the moment about 100 thousand households have been transferred to electric heating. This result was made possible thanks to an integrated approach, including the reconstruction of electrical networks. Mining is coming to the country now about 120 MW, while miners are required to invest in infrastructure.

Denis Moroz also noted the serious dynamics of the development of electric transport. 11 thousand units of electric transport are registered in the country today. If the growth rate of the number of electric vehicles is maintained in the near future, then by 2030 there will already be 300 thousand of them in the republic. A separate program has been created in the republic, and a national operator has been identified that is engaged in the development of infrastructure in the country. More than 1,000 charging stations have been put into operation," said the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus.

Aitek Babayeva, Deputy Director of Azerenergy, noted that the warm welcome should also be noted that the Tatarstan International Forum on Energy and Energy Efficiency is a vivid example of friendship and cooperation, it is a great opportunity to hear each other, discuss topical energy issues, and it is also a good opportunity for self-realization of young power engineers.

Answering the moderator's question, Aytek Babayeva said that on December 17, 2022, the leaders of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Hungary and Romania signed an Agreement in Bucharest on cooperation in the field of development and transfer of "green" energy this is a new bridge from Azerbaijan to Europe. Under this agreement, it is envisaged that the wind energy of the Caspian Sea will be transferred through the territory of Azerbaijan to Georgia, and then along the bottom of the Black Sea to Romania, then to Hungary. Bulgaria has also expressed a desire to participate in this project. The deadlines for this project are divided into several stages: at the first stage it is 1 kW, at the second stage it is 4 GW, and so on. As for the desire of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other republics to participate in this project, I want to note that we are always open to negotiations at the government level, we will just have to express a desire to participate in this project.

Pavel Snikkars, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, thanked the Raisa of the Republic of Tatarstan for the initiative to hold this meeting at the TEF-2024 site and noted the expediency of holding such discussions, with the participation of EC EES CIS, in Kazan as part of the forums of future years. Closing the round table, he recalled that Russia became the chairman of the CIS on January 1 of this year. Energy security and the development of low–carbon energy are among the priorities of cooperation. Russia is ready to participate in projects for the construction of renewable energy sources, small hydroelectric power plants, network infrastructure, traditional generation facilities coal and gas thermal power plants, as well as large hydroelectric power plants in the CIS countries. Pavel Snikkars also stressed the positive effects of parallel operation of the energy systems of the CIS countries. "Russia can not only develop and build, but also invest in such projects. And today it is important for all of us to plan our joint development correctly, synchronize all plans so that each country pursues its own energy security policy not to the detriment of others," said the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.